Wednesday, July 23, 2008

#20 Youtube

This can be entertaining but also VERY intrusive. Its use seems to be much abused.

Google docs

I just found Google docs. Wish I had found it sooner as I could have used it instead of Microsoft Office for my purposes.

Weni, Widi, Wiki!!!!

Checked out Wikipedia and Wikinorthia. They are informative but of course, the information still has to be checked elsewhere as confirmation. Great for communities, though, to be constantly informed of what has been, what is, and what will be!

Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

Read 2 of the "essays" and can see where they are coming from, but some of it seems very "pie in the sky".


Had a look at this but again, I think I'd rather stick with favourites. Technorati - sheesh! Looked at the popular blogs but there are too many people out there with FAR too much time on their hands!!!

online images

Had a play around with this but it isn't something that I'm likely to use. maybe in retirement when I have time!

On the road again!

After a haitus of some months, I've worked out what RSS feeds can do, although I'm not sure how much I'll use them. I can see their usefulness, though.