Wednesday, September 3, 2008

#19 Awards

Somewhere along the line I forgot to put a post in about the awards in various categories. I did have a look at them and they were quite creative.

#23 THE END!

There are one or two things that I might consider making use of when I have more time, like when I am retired. At the moment, I don't really want to spend every waking moment attached to a computer. It took considerably longer to deal with than was indicated and really ate into back-of-house work time. However, i have completed it, so that was an achievement i itself.

#22 Audio books

Couldn't get into the World Ebook Fair, but had a look at the Children's classical titles one. Still prefer to have a hard copy in my hand rather than on a MP3 player so while I can see its use for some, not really for me.


Checked podcastalley as this was the only one that would open. Looked under several of the topics but couldn't find anything that really interested me that i would want to listen to. Prefer listening to actual radio.

#20 Youtube

Found a video of Russell Robertson in his underwear with Kate Ceberano singing. Pity he doesn't play for NM as he's really cute.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

#20 Youtube

This can be entertaining but also VERY intrusive. Its use seems to be much abused.

Google docs

I just found Google docs. Wish I had found it sooner as I could have used it instead of Microsoft Office for my purposes.